ViiBus is an accessible and intelligent communication system that provides autonomy to blind people in bus lines identification and boarding step, promoting the accessibility and commitment of companies to its users. The system also helps in human and intelligent cities transformation, because when connected to the internet it can integrate other solutions. The project was one of Cisco Urban Innovation Challenge winners.

I was responsible for 3 areas of the project:
1. Brand 2. Website 3. Product
1. brand
>> redesign

At the left, the original version of the logo. In the first studies, I tried to work with the same icon but adding the braille transcription. The final version was simplified with only the word ViiBus in Braille linked by a line

>> typography

>> color palette
The idea is to have other products for visually impaired users, so I designed the color variations

>> Storyboard

>> interface

3. product

>> Focus group
First of all we did a focus group in order to discuss the lack of accessible communication in Rio de Janeiro public transportation and how ViiBus can help in this accessibility.

>> user test
From the first panel layouts, we perform an usability test with a braille paper prototype to test the panel’s usability. From this research, we could find some mistakes about positions, size and meaning of braille words.

>> Credits